shades of mediocrity: oh. hello there.
shades of mediocrity: so here we are
shades of mediocrity: come in from the rain
shades of mediocrity: feeling obliged to share the cuteness
shades of mediocrity: where do we go from here?
shades of mediocrity: if we had a keen vision and feeling of all ordinary human life, it would be like hearing the grass grow and the squirrel's heart beat, and we should die of that roar which lies on the other side of silence.
shades of mediocrity: mysteries were distilled into minor questions
shades of mediocrity: time passed in blank sheets
shades of mediocrity: he took all of my sins and he wrote a pocket novel called the state i am in
shades of mediocrity: hearts grow fonder
shades of mediocrity: little abysses
shades of mediocrity: thoughts are spinning through my head
shades of mediocrity: my life story is the story of everyone i've ever met
shades of mediocrity: i just love you
shades of mediocrity: the coming and going of strangers
shades of mediocrity: to ourselves and our posterity
shades of mediocrity: we're in an evolution, i have heard it said
shades of mediocrity: a trail of voices laughing
shades of mediocrity: you are what matters. not you, but you.
shades of mediocrity: this is the night and what it does to you
shades of mediocrity: eat food. not too much. mostly plants.
shades of mediocrity: my brain is exploding. trying to make sense out of nonsense, trying to tell you everything, and all the while time is fleeing. and the air around me vibrates with so many images, which is great because most of them are british.
shades of mediocrity: perfectly imperfect