Kristin Bruun: Putin looks for rubel and caviar
Kristin Bruun: Putler dancing all the way to gory
Kristin Bruun: Putler - vi er visstnok i #Trollfabrikken
Kristin Bruun: Putler on his way to gory
Kristin Bruun: Alle vi i #Trollfabrikken skal egentlig hylle Putler, men enkelte bommer stadig
Kristin Bruun: How to stay undisturbed - Ukraine
Kristin Bruun: Find the signature
Kristin Bruun: Did it again
Kristin Bruun: Self portrait after finishing a manual on how to for onlinemeetings uninterrupted
Kristin Bruun: Got tulips this morning!
Kristin Bruun: Selfie in artwork
Kristin Bruun: 5 minutes croquis
Kristin Bruun: 3 minutes croquis
Kristin Bruun: 3 minutes croquis
Kristin Bruun: 3 minutes croquis
Kristin Bruun: Goniopholis Kiplingi - sold
Kristin Bruun: Morning croquis, workshop Morten Krogvold 2018
Kristin Bruun: Further on
Kristin Bruun: One thought
Kristin Bruun: I seg (In self)
Kristin Bruun: Let the line float II
Kristin Bruun: Let the line float I
Kristin Bruun: I forgot but the details
Kristin Bruun: Leaves and something
Kristin Bruun: lenders
Kristin Bruun: 20180410_0249
Kristin Bruun: 20180410_0245
Kristin Bruun: 20180410_0240
Kristin Bruun: Princess to believe with cat here and there