Kriste Beck: The Snow Queen
Kriste Beck: Sneaking out to see the light
Kriste Beck: Like Mother Like Daughter
Kriste Beck: Live Tiger on the Jungle Cruise
Kriste Beck: Dancing to the beat on New Year's Eve at Magicland
Kriste Beck: Overhead view - New Year's Eve at Magicland
Kriste Beck: Pixie rocks out
Kriste Beck: Happy New Year's Everyone!
Kriste Beck: Choir sings in glorius harmony at Magicland
Kriste Beck: Caledonia Skytower narrates the ceremony
Kriste Beck: Soloists take to the stage
Kriste Beck: Hey dad, what do you think of my Jack O' Lantern
Kriste Beck: Time for some Halloween Fun at Magicland in Second Life!
Kriste Beck: A frightfully fun Haunted Holiday awaits at Magicland in Second Life
Kriste Beck: Playin' on the stage
Kriste Beck: Steel Drums!
Kriste Beck: Jammin' in Raglan Shire
Kriste Beck: Another Christmas Turkey ruined!
Kriste Beck: Dwarf Mine Cart in the Electrical Parade
Kriste Beck: Circus with clowns and a pink elephant in the Electrical Parade
Kriste Beck: Captain in eye-popping 3D
Kriste Beck: Having fun on Mardi Gras at Magicland
Kriste Beck: Having a blast!
Kriste Beck: Unhappy Schoolbus
Kriste Beck: Cutting the ribbon on the Jolly Holiday Bakery Cafe
Kriste Beck: Miss Bea shows off her new bakery
Kriste Beck: Visiting bricks at Magical Moments
Kriste Beck: Give 'em a left, you big lug!
Kriste Beck: Fireworks over the castle
Kriste Beck: Tiny Improvements