kramos22: Officially a nerd, inside and out.
kramos22: 'WHIIIRRRRR WHIRRRR", That's the sound of max's toy mixer in the car. From Toronto to montreal. I felt like being in a mobile dentist clinic.
kramos22: The train to downtown Montreal was free on Christmas day. Max and I had a blast on it...
kramos22: Kitchen reno completed. The chef is pleased.
kramos22: He's in the trying-on-your-shoes phase...
kramos22: Christmas tree picking time!
kramos22: Peekaboo!
kramos22: My wife deserves the finest things in life! So I buy her only original FRADA bags and shoes. #trueLove
kramos22: Bonjour Quebec!
kramos22: My tomboy girl, shopping in Forever21. A first. #milestone #TimeToBuyShotgun
kramos22: Just bought stamps from Canada post commemorating Superman's 75th anniversary. It's too precious to mail!!!
kramos22: What else can I do with these blueberries... #HappyProblem
kramos22: upload
kramos22: She eats at least 80% of a jar, then accuses everyone else in the house when she runs out. #OneJarDown
kramos22: Selfie with Max FAIL! #HirapPalaMagingVain