Deanna_Rose: Harley Detail
Xenda: Troubled
Ramona Rikkers: first milk Bone the Dog - This man's best friend.
Andy Hodapp: IMG_8831
Reihman: 3452
tvdflickr: Dog kisses #1
Deanna_Rose: Blue lounging
buchsammy: Hübscher Kerl
Hermioneblk: cold clouds collies
buchsammy: Hier
Partridge-PetPics: Briard sitting on the way in autumn
Cia L: Briard
bwaters23: Mabel
Sporthorse Photography: DougalGreenhough-054
Aunt Christina: The smooshed up ears of the Briard
Aunt Christina: petting the Briard
poodlephile_lucy: Takes Two To Tango
lucky3110: Gunther
wusel81: Tara