Kripptic: The best matron n creative director of mothers day photo shoot.
Kripptic: The best matron n creative director of mothers day photo shoot.
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Kripptic: @thehughjackman last shift @musicboxchicago. We will miss you buddy. Good luck in Nashville. We are pretty sure it will fall at your feet.
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Kripptic: Garage sale season
Kripptic: Easter ham
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Kripptic: Family
Kripptic: #boysnight
Kripptic: Artifacts of artifice
Kripptic: #boysnight
Kripptic: The score for 4'33"
Kripptic: Merce, Marcel & Harry
Kripptic: #boysnight
Kripptic: Later gram / great boys night out with pop for his 70th. Alvin ailey at auditorium theater
Kripptic: Boys night out with dad. Alvin Ailey at Auditorium theater
Kripptic: Nice little event for the dvd release of @notfilm (and restoration of #beckett 's FILM) @seminarycoopbookstores / director ross Lipman / host David Isaacson of @theateroobleck
Kripptic: Nice to have sunshine n long shadows in the evening in Chicago again. Let's do this 2017 thing, even if they want to make us scratch and claw every step of the goddamn way. Who's with me?
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Kripptic: Where the hell is wardrobe?!