joe.ervin514: Jefferson Memorial B&W
TheodoreWLee: Off the menu
mig2902: Meat
TheodoreWLee: Backup at Paddington
undernier: Fils apparent
Hans-Jörg Aleff: Portrait of a Musician
apa69: Artista di strada
undernier: Warehouse 4
apa69: Ara Pacis Augustae
Greg @ Montreal: Tree and Man @ my workplace
TheodoreWLee: Twitter Race Lies Wrecked My Life
mig2902: Breaking news
AntonKuleba: About today
AntonKuleba: Кармэн
Valentine Kleyner: Morning Train
Valentine Kleyner: Meeting. Israeli Soldiers
Valentine Kleyner: Small Kit for Time Traveler
Jorden Sayer: Lets make lunch
Josef...: Magic Redux
AntonKuleba: Koktebel