mafunyane_pics: Organum Mathematicum
vruba: Doomed blog post sketches
CRASHSpace: IMG_0858.JPG
The Swift: Inverted
jonathanhstrauss: @jbum, the man sitting next to me on the plane is playing sudoku. He says they're the best (and thx) :)
k.james: Seven
dmswart: 3.41CAD red
dmswart: Bridges 2009 Zometool sculpture - Equirectangular
Zometool: World’s Largest Zometool Construction
dmswart: Oh snap!
jonathanhstrauss: Jim's BCLA-7 Presentation
getthebubbles: Sand Mandala Day 5-155
tarabrown: Gorilla Marketing
shanghaied2009: Jura "B"s Mosaic
tarabrown: Beastie Boys Site
Maureen Bond: Everything Roses January 1st
iancr: 01ian_581
blkmarket: MGC Carnival
Jean&Vic: Horn Warmers
i_am_curiouskiwi: William gives me the eye
jeffhurlow: the sympathetic mirror
George: The Whitney Music Box
OpheliaChong: pooh pooks out
OpheliaChong: gassy boy
OpheliaChong: spiral
Nicole Lee: Flickr turns 2 poster
courtneyp: d'oh, typos