Guy McCullough: The Alabama with Empty Marquee
Guy McCullough: The Angels of the Lyric
Guy McCullough: McCaw Hall, Seattle
Guy McCullough: Seattle is charming in the rain
Guy McCullough: Sharp Pencil
Guy McCullough: For the Birds
Guy McCullough: IMG_1301
Guy McCullough: Truman and Debbie
Guy McCullough: Carillion
Guy McCullough: Who, me?
UAStudentMedia: FW: Crimson White Staff: Guy McCullough, Ellen Rossler, Mike Tankersely, Greg Hill Sonny Brasfield, Rebel Steiner, Lou Ann Ray, Lynn Rollings, Lara Edge, Lisa Sims, Johanna Clearly
Guy McCullough: After the beauty parlor
Guy McCullough: Kiki & Coco
krayrph1: IMG_7119
Guy McCullough: Coco's Nose
Guy McCullough: Coco wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
Guy McCullough: The Gulls
Guy McCullough: Congratulations to Trammell McCullough and McLean Boone, roommates at BSC!
Guy McCullough: At the Huntsville Hamfest #NerdFactor11
Guy McCullough: Took a wrong turn and ended up on Jack Daniel's Road. Or, did I?!
Guy McCullough: Truman & Aaron
Guy McCullough: Bono’s rejection letter. Proof you’ve got to persevere, whatever your talent level.
Guy McCullough: Windows to the Soul