K Ray RPh: passengers are tendered to the dock in Cannes, France
K Ray RPh: Nice breeze blowing at Cannes
K Ray RPh: driving through Cannes
K Ray RPh: Smart Car! parked in 1/2 of a parking space in Nice
K Ray RPh: sunbathers at the Beau Rivage beach in Nice
K Ray RPh: strolling the Beau Rivage beach in Nice, France
K Ray RPh: Life Guard or No Life Guard??
K Ray RPh: Pharmacy in Cannes
K Ray RPh: temple in Cannes, France
K Ray RPh: marina at Nice, France
K Ray RPh: the extremely shallow water of the Nice beach
K Ray RPh: pairs skaters practiced their jumps on the walkway
K Ray RPh: the turquoise waters of the Nice Beau Rivage beach
K Ray RPh: E Ray looking for gelato at the Nice flowermarket
K Ray RPh: Nice flowermarket in Nice
K Ray RPh: small inlet at Monaco
K Ray RPh: turquoise water of the French Riviera
K Ray RPh: the road to Monaco
K Ray RPh: the marina at Monaco
K Ray RPh: home of Sean Connery's neighbor
K Ray RPh: sweet ride, but it's no Smart Car!
K Ray RPh: Monaco Cathedral where Princess Grace married Prince Rainier
K Ray RPh: at 12:05 daily.
K Ray RPh: taking about 10 minutes.....
K Ray RPh: daily ritual of the changing of the guard
K Ray RPh: They are wearing spats!
K Ray RPh: conclusion of the ceremony of the changing of the guard
K Ray RPh: The Palace
K Ray RPh: The older section of the Palace of Monaco
K Ray RPh: how lucky can a photographer be?