krakencrafts: Happy dog and baby
krakencrafts: Kitty toes
krakencrafts: dog, baby and daddy snuggles
krakencrafts: Keita getting comfortable
krakencrafts: Flynn just discovered another favorite spot to hang out. I guess it's ok since Mattie doesn't seem to like the bouncer very much.
krakencrafts: Mattie meeting Harris for the first time. He came up and sniffed her and Flynn ran and hid under the couch. Pretty typical reaction for those two.
krakencrafts: Harris is the cutest of my collectables #evazeisel #howardpierce #iittala
krakencrafts: Keita snuggles
krakencrafts: Flynn X2
krakencrafts: As usual, Keita is not thrilled with her yellow submarine outfit. Maybe I need to get her a more comfortable costume next year.
krakencrafts: Keita X2
krakencrafts: Sleepy Harris
krakencrafts: Flynn finds it extra comfy to lay half on/half off of the bed.
krakencrafts: At least Harris picked a place where the baby won't be sleeping.
krakencrafts: The cats keep finding new favorite places to sleep in the baby's room.
krakencrafts: Cute snuggling
krakencrafts: Keita in her pillow fort
krakencrafts: Flynn is taking full advantage of the pregnancy body pillow
krakencrafts: It's too hot for these guys to be snuggling so cutely
krakencrafts: Keita is such a pillow hog
krakencrafts: Harris makes a great bookend
krakencrafts: Flynn enjoys matching the floor
krakencrafts: Poor Keita hurt her thumb nail running over rocks
krakencrafts: Keita running super fast on the beach
krakencrafts: I was worried Flynn was going to be traumatized that we moved the bed out of the former guest room. But he seems to have found some new comfy places to sleep in the new nursery.
krakencrafts: Hot cat #2
krakencrafts: Hot cat #1
krakencrafts: Some awfully cute dirty laundry
krakencrafts: Cute little dog face
krakencrafts: Comfy Cats