Paul Bemert: Cueva de los Verdes - Mirroring [EXPLORED 2016-09-08]
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: One Year on Earth – Seen From 1 Million Miles
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hubble Peers into the Storm
Dan Ballard Photography: "Breaking Sun on the Lost City" Machu Picchu, Peru
Ania Tuzel Photography: Horns of Cuernos del Paine
golam_siddiqui: Machapuchare Mountain Massif
Beboy_photographies: Plitvice (Croatia)
akcharly: King Mountain, Alaska
terenceleezy: Brúarfoss
v on life: Speed | Morant's Curve, Canadian Rockies
Alex Noriega.: Funnel Factory
Tim Poulton: Cast No Shadow
frannzmorzo: Dream City
frannzmorzo: Glowing Peaks of the Rockies
Giovanni Mari: Polar Bear, North Spitsbergen - Svalbard
Jeff Sullivan ( Water Cuts Rock (
Luca.3: Into the white
Anton Jankovoy ( Lighting up the Himalayas
Ragnar TH: 11703-154-24[1]
[Adam Baker]: cavern light