Kevin Lawver: Yes, they’re just potatoes, but they were damn good potatoes. #tubers #NoTaterHaters
Kevin Lawver: There’s a bandit spying on our dinner. #TrashPanda
Kevin Lawver: Fighting the never ending battle against pollen.
Kevin Lawver: Another winner from our California trip. Light, fruity, dry… perfect.
Kevin Lawver: Merry Christmas to meeeeeee. #wine
Kevin Lawver: I’m really proud of this. I’ve kept the streak alive for over four years, learned a lot, and am going to keep going! How did you #duolingo this year?
Kevin Lawver: I was kind of shocked…
Kevin Lawver: Easily the best rosé I’ve ever had. So dry, so delicious, with tiny champagne bubbles.
Kevin Lawver: Why do I always forget that spatchcocked turkeys cook way faster than the recipe says? Anyway, welcome to planet turkey!
Kevin Lawver: Mr Exhausted Egghead says it’s mimosa time. I have a pilot and nowhere to go for the next three hours.
Kevin Lawver: It’s too early to be awake and too early to be here - but here I am.
Kevin Lawver: Vaccinations accomplished! Moderna’s shiny new COVID vaccine and a flu shot.
Kevin Lawver: Tacos El San Luis makes the best tacos in Savannah, and it’s not close. And they have real homemade horchata, and it’s amazing.
Kevin Lawver: I’ve never been in a city when they won a major league championship. Downtown Denver is pretty loud right now, and the cops seem pretty happy as they currently outnumber celebrants by about 3:1. Congrats, Denver!
Kevin Lawver: Vici on Jones St is great! It’s a lovely rooftop, great cocktails and the food is great. 9/10, will be back.
Kevin Lawver: Pumpkin spice waffles to go with eggs Benedict for the birthday girl.
Kevin Lawver: Confused old man tries to make a video and takes a photo instead. Here. Look at him. So confused. So old. Why isn’t his face moving? BECAUSE IT IS A PHOTO NOT A VIDEO, SILLY OLD CONFUSED MAN!!
Kevin Lawver: It’s “put a screw in your face” day! Congrats to me! (Getting an implant to replace the tooth that lost both its crown and its head).
Kevin Lawver: Mission accomplished. Oh, and we made it home safe too. Kid number two is home and the nest is full up again.
Kevin Lawver: I don’t want to add to the feud, but GT has way better carts.
Kevin Lawver: We like big buckets and we cannot lie. You other graduates can’t deny… I bought this hat at May’s freshman orientation and today, I’m moving her out as a college graduate. Needless to say, the hat and I have feelings.
Kevin Lawver: Things have to be improving. Look! It went from red to green!
Kevin Lawver: Someone got glasses JUST for the computer. They’re super rainbow, and I think I love them.
Kevin Lawver: Roasted a cauliflower for dinner. It’s yummy.
Kevin Lawver: After a stressful week, Jen and I took a rainy trip down to St Simons Island and saw there was an air fair, so we went! And I got more donuts! The lady I bought the first donut from was there again and we had a great conversation about the progression of
Kevin Lawver: My wife loves me a lot.
Kevin Lawver: Pity me. I’ve got a wicked cold and am stuck on the couch with tea and DayQuil. Loving it the most.
Kevin Lawver: Someone’s bike has rear view mirrors on it (and the world’s loudest bike horn - I tried it and can confirm). I also put the water bottle cage on. I think it’s about as safe as it can be now, for a bike that has to be on roads with cars on them.
Kevin Lawver: My weekend in 3 photos. Drove to Atlanta, packed up one dorm room, loaded up the van, unloaded van, moved to another dorm room. Why? Former roommate who refused to compromise and demanded that the thermostat be kept at 80 degrees. Super fun. But, we did i
Kevin Lawver: Who needs a second car? Finally put the cargo bag on the back - now I have a place to put groceries!