Κώστας Καϊσίδης: On a winter's day... "Ano Chora"
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: He is leaving us ...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: On the way to fog ...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: It's "Art", that's all I can say .
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: You have to choose, left or right ...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Good place to drink a cup of coffee ...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Up to the sky on ice.
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Snow on the Cydonia Japonica
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Here comes the winter...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Snowy almond tree.
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: On a winter's day... "Ano Chora village"
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Tzoumerka, winter scenery.
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: It's February, still winter...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Tzoumerka mountains under the moonlight.
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: The Last Days of Winter.
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: For winter getaway...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Another winter getaway...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: But there never seems to be enough time, to do the things you want to do...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: The footprints I left behind...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: On a winter's day...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Fresh snow Cupcake...
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: ...doesn't mean I'm lost!
Κώστας Καϊσίδης: Lonely tree on a winter day...