Felt Mistress: Collaboration with Jon Burgerman
W J C: Scotty
Felt Mistress: Pepperdelica at the show
[rich]: Donald Duck Storm Trooper
Hammotime: Alexander and The Cat - Cardinal
Sicknote.: SickNote. at the Bold St Festival 2011
[rich]: NYCC Pumpkin Head
W J C: Nun with 2 Guns Pin Up
W J C: Bossk n Dengar in Bespin Starbucks
W J C: Dagobah Hot Tub Party
bec1989: Ms Halloween
[rich]: Peter Pan
[rich]: Bedknobs and Broomsticks
[rich]: Sketch pads
[rich]: Cat Sculpt
[rich]: Octopus scribbles
[rich]: UmeToy Postcards
Hammotime: The Gallery
[rich]: Victor the Victorian Gentleman Zombie
Felt Mistress: Osaka Adventure
Mr_Broom: Ceril Gold
karl_addison: Shadow Bunny
gridiron106: IMG_8512a
Felt Mistress: Gilbert Twang
W J C: Ham Grenade