Korean War Veterans from Ireland: The whole group together - a final shot before travelling home.
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Toasting the veterans
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Michael Kelly read 'The Last Call of the Bugle'
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: The room was pleased to have the opportunity to hear it
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Mark McConnell recited his Korean Lament
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Impressive way to end the evening and the week.
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: He's going to share a bit of whiskey with the Ambassador
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: The piper comes inside (pretty loud!)
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Mark McConnell has many stories
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Cpt Park did wonderful work for the veterans and got behind the Irish group's visit.
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Mr C Kim (r) is the foremost Korean authority on Happy Valley
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Anthony cooks the dinners at home - swapping tips.
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Mrs McKee introduces Mrs Kim who was behind the fabulous food
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Cpt Park with Anthony Thorpe
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Peter McGeown and Simon Gorman (r)
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Mick Synott (r) and Michael Kelly
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Spencer McWhirter and Anthony Thorpe were both in the Royal Ulster Rifles
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Mary Daly and John Cottrell
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Brendan Daly (r) chats to Anthony Thorpe
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: Charlotte O'Kane, Ambassador McKee and RSM Andrew Scott
Korean War Veterans from Ireland: The whole group of veterans