The Mandate Press: We have a confession to make you guys. Unlike so many players out there, this ACTUALLY IS a side hustle for us. It totally funds our print habit and gives us a place to do what we'd be doing anyway.
The Mandate Press: We've said it before and we'll say I a million more times. In the realm of letterpress, less really is more.
GIULIO VESPRINI: 108 + Giulio Vesprini - Vista panoramica del muro
The Mandate Press: There's a lot going on here.
GIULIO VESPRINI: 108 + Giulio Vesprini Cerchio G08 | 2013
GRIS1 / Da Mental Vaporz: GRIS1 DMV & SUPE FMK / 2010
GRIS1 / Da Mental Vaporz: TEREZ by GRIS1 / Lyon 2012
xvlf: GSULF
Depression Press: Manual of Linotype Typography
maraid: czechoslovakian matchbox
Gertie Jaquet: aap en geit
Gertie Jaquet: capt. webb
Gertie Jaquet: cockfight
AndyBrii: Plant description - Botany by Youmans 1872
AndyBrii: Plant description - Botany by Youmans 1872 b
AndyBrii: Leaf sinuses - Botany by Youmans 1872
maraid: czechoslovakian matchbox label
Shailesh Chavda: Yugoslavian matchbox label
maraid: czechoslovakian matchbox label
maraid: russian matchbox label
maraid: russian matchbox label
maraid: russian matchbox label
maraid: russian matchbox label
maraid: russian matchbox label