Kooberz: Trippy Xbox Glitch
Kooberz: RL Lego Snowplow
Kooberz: Drifts
Kooberz: Plowing over the sidewalk I just shoveled...
Kooberz: Plowin...
Kooberz: Lego Custom Snowplow
Kooberz: Right rear
Kooberz: Left side
Kooberz: Left rear
Kooberz: Front without plow
Kooberz: Front right side
Kooberz: Front left side
Kooberz: Back open
Kooberz: What is that doing in NYC?
Kooberz: Side View
Kooberz: Long Shot
Kooberz: Cornering Around Buildings
Kooberz: Incomplete Streets
Kooberz: Don't mind the Red/Green Wall
Kooberz: Highly Technical Stuff Here
Kooberz: Courthouse Confrontation
Kooberz: The Fight Begins!
Kooberz: Citizens of Gotham
Kooberz: Confronting the Tumblers
Kooberz: Odd Place to put a Courthouse
Kooberz: Looking Fairly Legit
Kooberz: Top View
Kooberz: Building the Counterweight
Kooberz: Building a Counterweight