laoshu612: NOKIA 1020
205: Niki
Gremxul: Bosco ready to Go...
Panons Photography: Dave - Splash!
Melina.: Canoeing Labrador Retriever
srp01983: Chocolate labrador pup
littleflag106: 2011_Yokohama_Pet_Exhibition: Labrador Retriever
M.C. of Palmhill: Yellow Labrador Retriever • M.C. of Palmhill Kennel
pearmax: Why does my heart feel so bad?
suzalayne: Sirus
Miss Chien: Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
mrsm_jones: Bruno
Robotti Daniele: labrador retriever 042-01
Lace1952: LABRADOR
az1172: Labrador Finja
The Pixel and Eye: Labrador Retriever
fabio.lalli: Labrador
az1172: Labrador
elyse&dogs: Puppy Love
scott cromwell: Mantis Confronts Dog
scott cromwell: Watching The Sunset
Melissa C. Toledo: Schnauzer walking about
scott cromwell: Mantis Tries To Scare Dog
satie*: cotton-candy dog
_Spacedog_: Balder
Fotomondeo: Libby