mkohpotts: Bello looks out his crate window
mkohpotts: All crated up and ready to go
mkohpotts: Excited about traveling
mkohpotts: Waiting to get loaded on the plane
mkohpotts: Landed safely in ORD
mkohpotts: Having a drink of water
mkohpotts: Cloudy Reflection
mkohpotts: Waiting for dinner with friends @ Avec
mkohpotts: Squirrel
mkohpotts: Welcome to Michigan
mkohpotts: Tabi Socks Completed
mkohpotts: Bello is tired of riding in the car
mkohpotts: Bello and Daddy
mkohpotts: Katherine arrives via car
mkohpotts: Putting on shoes for walking in the park
mkohpotts: Katerine's ready for a walk in the park
mkohpotts: Mushroom
mkohpotts: A Spoiled Rotten Portuguese Water Dog Lives Here
mkohpotts: Resting during snack time
mkohpotts: Mark fills up the water can for Katherine
mkohpotts: Katherine waters the plant
mkohpotts: Katherine Plays Airplane with Daddy
mkohpotts: Katherine Plays Airplane with Daddy
mkohpotts: Katherine Plays Airplane with Daddy
mkohpotts: Roxanne Drinks. A Lot. Of Water.
mkohpotts: Bello and Roxanne
mkohpotts: Bello and Roxanne
mkohpotts: Bello and Roxanne
mkohpotts: Bello and Roxanne
mkohpotts: Livy the One-Eyed Pug