mklopez: SXSE 2010 (14)
mklopez: SXSE 2010 (1)
mklopez: SXSE 2009 - Day 2 (14)
mkhall: DSCN2079
brendajos70: MunkyLuvahSXSE10
brendajos70: SXSE 074
harry.1967: Homer prepares for a shave 120/365
harry.1967: Homer ponders the mysteries of the universe 98/365
harry.1967: Homer handshake 67/365
harry.1967: A bit windy today...couldn't get Homer to stand up, so here he is....falling over 38/365
harry.1967: Homer, walking on a wall 34/365
Veronika's shots: Brown eyed girl
moke076: goof moose {Explored 5/2/2015}
buchsammy: Mika
hooeyspewer: Weeee! Weeee! Weeee! #BRK50
jeremiah_owyang: Collaborative Economy Honeycomb 2.0 (Dec 2014)
xepht: Mochi says "I wuv my box"
hooeyspewer: Lunch @ Shake Shack
hooeyspewer: Salad from Manny's Deli
xepht: My baby #notahumanbaby #caturday
alexdecarvalho: "And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair" ~Kahlil Gibran
bjmccray: 2015-02-07 Sunrise and fog (4)
bjmccray: 2015-02-07 Sunrise and fog (5)
bjmccray: 2015-02-07 Sunrise and fog (6)
alexdecarvalho: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass the world is too full to talk about.” ~Rumi
foreverdigital: #wanderlustwednesday wouldn't mind wandering around Angkor Wat some more...
foreverdigital: By all means, make yourself comfortable. #pennypixel
foreverdigital: The ups man brought something fun today! #gopro #newtoy
TheSeafarer: State humor in Iowa. :)