mkohpotts: Check out my camera!
mkohpotts: Talking
mkohpotts: M and m
mkohpotts: Smile for the camera
mkohpotts: Awww!
mkohpotts: Sangria, Beer and Materva
mkohpotts: BBQ in progress
mkohpotts: Guacamole Consumption
mkohpotts: Hanging on the lawn
mkohpotts: Looking out for Squirrels
mkohpotts: Chillin'
mkohpotts: More Chillin'
mkohpotts: Pedro and the Chorizo
mkohpotts: Meat! Meat!
mkohpotts: BBQing in Progress
mkohpotts: Working the Grill
mkohpotts: Eating Picanha and Chorizo
mkohpotts: Relaxing on the mega-sofa
mkohpotts: Enjoying the piles of pillows