jjposey: Scrub a dub
jjposey: That face says it all. #stockshowin'
jjposey: Hard at work!!! #showcalves
jjposey: Doodles
jjposey: Meet the Hornets... 7th grade
jjposey: 14 hours in the showbarn #changecan'ttocan and #dreamstoplans
jjposey: State Fair... week 2
jjposey: So proud of how this girl is driven to improve!
jjposey: upload
jjposey: Goat showmanship
jjposey: Goat showmanship
jjposey: Drypoint print
jjposey: #drypoint #printmaking
jjposey: Mezzotint and drypoint. #printmaking
jjposey: Kiss the frog
jjposey: upload
jjposey: 4H & FFA kids practicing #livestockjudging with some of our commercial does #farmlife
jjposey: More #starfish #watercolor
jjposey: Midnight and her mom waddles #goats
jjposey: Watercolor #aceo
jjposey: Starfish watercolor
jjposey: Love sunsets
jjposey: upload
jjposey: upload
jjposey: Watercolor notecard #art #windsorruins #mississippi
jjposey: Watercolor notecard
jjposey: Watercolor notecard
jjposey: Skyline Taverns a nearly unique calcite formation. Very rare.
jjposey: Goat kabobs. It's what's for lunch. YUM!