billbill1977: Becky's mom Anna louise! Becky gave me her sewing machine!
billbill1977: My Great great grandfather!
billbill1977: Goodmorning sunflower!
billbill1977: Finished knitting my Pi shawl today!
billbill1977: Goodmorning Bumblebee!
billbill1977: Hitchhiker on the Roses!
billbill1977: My Hollyhock has started to bloom!
billbill1977: My giant Hollyhock!
billbill1977: Spinning my friend Betty some wool!
billbill1977: Starting a PI Shawl!
billbill1977: My spinning wheel!
billbill1977: Wool on the bobbin!
billbill1977: Wool on the bobbin!
billbill1977: Wool on the bobbin!
billbill1977: Jane and her sweater that I crocheted for her!
billbill1977: My homemade lye soap!
billbill1977: Spinning alpaca at Caesars Creek Pioneer Village!
billbill1977: Spinning alpaca at Caesars Creek Pioneer Village!
billbill1977: Clinton county farmhouse built around 1811! Beautiful!
billbill1977: Milking, Young's dairy, Ohio!
billbill1977: Cleaned, oiled, and ready to spin!
billbill1977: Sunbathing in Clinton County Ohio!
billbill1977: Cowen Lake Ohio!
billbill1977: Crocheted a skirt for my lamp!
billbill1977: Great great grand father Denning!
billbill1977: Dog Blanket!
billbill1977: Myrtle Beach 2018
billbill1977: Myrtle Beach 2018
billbill1977: Bug on my hat!
billbill1977: Moon flower!