Sagrei: RAGE
BeckyinVT: xylem1
helloyarn: This Dog
flint knits: The Crushinator crushinates a swimming pool.
splityarn: salt and straw ice cream
helloyarn: Beach House Reading
Mary-Heather: finished log cabin blanket for Miss Eloise!
knottygnome: Dad's quilt back
zincink: WEEP - R Bar NYC
zincink: WEEP - R Bar NYC
mimsical: TributaryGloves5
CherrySoda!: goth socks.
iwriteplays: Magnus wishes...
iwriteplays: Giganto-blanket is done!
craftybeaver: Show-off
craftybeaver: Amy Sedaris is apparently Elliot's new BFF
craftybeaver: Amy Sedaris is apparently Elliot's new BFF
MaryLynn: Baron the Inspector Sir Sebastian Bazzy Baz of Bazzington the Third.
JediMom: IMG_1408
MissMarnie: Pack Portrait 2
MissMarnie: Darwin on a walkies07
LollyKnit: Preparing Vegetable Stock
Jesus H. Shatner: Team Metafilter hits the road
MissMarnie: TiredOfBrother
MissMarnie: darwin-and-thea-are-the-CUTE