tessar lo: interiors collecting dust- physically layered with microscopic parts of the people who live there, #interior #dust #family
tessar lo: did this today, #blackandwhite #door
tessar lo: back at it, and i rolled around on it some, #drivewaydrawing #alotofantstho
shimrit elkanati: New York Times
Sabrina.E: Cat Faces
samtrees: heaven pg3
samtrees: nude running to get kebab
貓王不討喜: Seesaw is where fatty gets hurt
o_lie: like a boy or like a girl
Burlisaurus: Adventure Time! - Fan-Art #1
chensio: rotten
Hafaell: Meeting People
soft science: deth kuddle
soft science: broke-up
soft science: sticky staff
ken garduno art: in darkness
Gabeeee: "Up Dog" issue 2