kloudwan: 美術福音:像真極高!但有d貴之廿蚊一棵。@廣州一德路万凌廣場5樓。(自己都驚唔記得,出個post先)
kloudwan: Goodbye to the hell, 我真係恭喜我自己✌
kloudwan: Count to -2, morning but maybe not that good
kloudwan: Count to zero, 立見天國
kloudwan: Count to 1, small potato
kloudwan: Count to 2, let count to zero!
kloudwan: Count to 3,累到隻眼同佳隻眼一樣大
kloudwan: Count to 4, this is a happy caution
kloudwan: Count to 5 and let me alone
kloudwan: Count to 6, I am still busy
kloudwan: Love work, love the country❤
kloudwan: Count to 7 and set me free
kloudwan: Self life tailor
kloudwan: Nothing special, 爆鑊is international
kloudwan: In a sense, solve the problem at work and don't bring out questions without solution, this is the real common sense meaning to me
kloudwan: Malay lasagna
kloudwan: 精神食糧
kloudwan: Wow, Berliner Weisse bitte
kloudwan: Set decoration for a cinema and我偏心❤
kloudwan: My Potsdamerplatz is not your Potsdamerplatz.
kloudwan: 天氣麻麻完先幾好,就像人生。Whatever I say.✌
kloudwan: Daily Foto from B: thanks for the grey winter, I miss it and have enough at this moment. Will see soon...because Euro is...
kloudwan: Daily Foto from B: Last order for the Winter
kloudwan: €15
kloudwan: Da Kloud Wan Code 牛仔解密
kloudwan: Last order! 110票價,玩法是張櫈會震
kloudwan: 雲是我畫的,何生好歡喜。@hokaho
kloudwan: 邊個衝,邊個就係鬼。年輕美術頹廢風。
kloudwan: 陳設老師來攪笑。And佢成功了
kloudwan: 童年陰影系列 我同我老細講,要有靈異事件,一定係呢類構圖既瀑布相,因為我細細個屋企都有張,而我家姐話係夜晚見到有人係石頭上面沖涼。弱小心靈入夜熄晒燈就好驚呢張相,yeah。