Marcus Melo1: Amazonas
@RaphaelCoke: Turtle
@RaphaelCoke: Fire!!
DanielCoutoValle: Message in a bottle
DanielCoutoValle: Arena da Amazonia
Matt Molloy: Wild Willows
Marcus Melo1: Bicudos também se beijam
@RaphaelCoke: Ariranha = Pteronura brasiliensis
Marcus Melo1: Centro Manaus
Marcus Melo1: Fui.................
Marcus Melo1: Expresso da Meia-noite
Marcus Melo1: Manaus Amazonas
@RaphaelCoke: HDR - fighting the river
@RaphaelCoke: Just Thinking
@RaphaelCoke: Darkest Side
Marcus Melo1: Pôr do Sol - Rio Negro
@RaphaelCoke: It´s all about music
Alexandra Gonçalves: Onça - Cigs
@RaphaelCoke: Capturing the Moment
@RaphaelCoke: Paço Municipal