klewis4848: Ball Headed Shifter on an Old Back Hoe
klewis4848: Dahlia Love
klewis4848: Sideview Mirror Assembly on the Rust-bucket Mulch-Filled Dump Truck Behind My Rented Guest House
klewis4848: (Fake) Horned Owl (Not) Sitting in the Trees Outside My (Real) Door!
klewis4848: Summer Camp for Leaves in the Forest
klewis4848: A Single Blade of Grass
klewis4848: Post Right Eye Cataract Surgery Tiny Spider!
klewis4848: View From My Desk
klewis4848: Happy Garden Gnome
klewis4848: Clyde Davidson Fishing Pier Looking Out on South Puget Sound on an Especially Clear Bright Sunny Morning
klewis4848: Mount Tahoma (aka Mount Rainier) Peeking Through the Clouds at Sunrise This Morning
klewis4848: Early Morning Reflections at Steilacoom Lake
klewis4848: Echinops witches'-broom phytoplasma aka Blue Glow Globe Thistle
klewis4848: Lone Chive Blossom Surrounded by Parsley Blooms in a Dear Friend's Garden
klewis4848: In the 'Hood
klewis4848: The Eency Weency Spider - about 1/3"
klewis4848: Lambs Quarters from the Weed Patch Out Back
klewis4848: Incoming Steilacoom Ferry Along the Puget Sound Coastline at Sunset Tonight
klewis4848: Red Elm Cafe - A Lovely Place with good coffee, great food choices, friendly people
klewis4848: An Amazing Sky View from up in the Steilacoom Hills - what a great way to end a lovely day!
klewis4848: Picnic Shelter at Saltar's Point Beach along the South Puget Sound Coastline in Steilacoom, Washington
klewis4848: Ft. Steilacoom Park is Lush with This Tall Grass
klewis4848: Mount Rainier and Steilacoom Lake Before the Sun Topped the Horizon - even before the bridge fishing people showed up!
klewis4848: In the Natural Order of Things
klewis4848: Steilacoom Ferries, South Puget Sound
klewis4848: Steilacoom Street Lamp with Flower basket and a windblown flag furled flag
klewis4848: Dahlia
klewis4848: Purple Japanese Anemone
klewis4848: Two Bees...or Not Two Bees!
klewis4848: Flying Solo