klepto: held
klepto: aged "my heart sounded"
klepto: I choke on the wind
klepto: broken
klepto: by the art institute
klepto: cover
klepto: rough week
klepto: random thoughts
klepto: pen and ink
klepto: steve admin rec 2
klepto: pen and ink 1
klepto: remembering
klepto: "when we stomp, the world will shake."
klepto: lady lucx
klepto: nice one
klepto: walking with...
klepto: davids bird
klepto: "my heart sounded..."
klepto: cutting
klepto: weathered and broken
klepto: put this up for brooks a while back...right across from his huge owl mural in pilsen
klepto: the unexcelled dove
klepto: ferris wheel
klepto: sketchbook
klepto: first week of student teaching
klepto: struggle to speak
klepto: dream graff exemplar 2
klepto: dream graffiti exemplar
klepto: widows, ships and storms
klepto: just trying to keep cabin fever at bay