to ang, with love: there is an old saying that you die twice
to ang, with love: death leaves a heartache no one can heal
to ang, with love: silent, subtle, ever present perils of life
to ang, with love: we understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love ~ Baronne Anne Louise de Staël
to ang, with love: life begins at touch of death
to ang, with love: only lonesome/ 你只留下寂寞
to ang, with love: stories aplenty, memories...fading/ 故事很多,记忆...很远
to ang, with love: days of absence/ 故人不再
to ang, with love: hard to let go/ 难舍
to ang, with love: Bali Zen/ 巴厘。悟禪
to ang, with love: an arrival is by chance, a departure is inevitable/ 來是偶然的,走是必然的
to ang, with love: a season of green, in memory/ 那一季的绿,无从忘记
to ang, with love: the last season of a year . the end of a day/ 岁末 。 长日将尽
to ang, with love: may perpetual light shine on them