to ang, with love: 百花爭放 迎新春/ 祥龍騰雲 行好運
to ang, with love: Merry merry Christmas! Turning turning ornaments!
to ang, with love: ...before the rain
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) IX
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) VIII
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) VII
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) VI
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) V
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) IV
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) III
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) II
to ang, with love: one night in Chinese opera (backstage) I
to ang, with love: Kuching: airport II/ 古晋: 机场 II
to ang, with love: Kuching: airport I/ 古晋: 机场 I
to ang, with love: Kuching: Boat Song III/ 古晋: 船歌 III
to ang, with love: Kuching: Boat Song II/ 古晋:船歌 II
to ang, with love: Kuching: Boat Song I/ 古晋:船歌 I
to ang, with love: Kuching: Spring of prosperity/ 古晋:富贵之春
to ang, with love: Kuching - Teh C Special/ 古晋: 三色奶茶
to ang, with love: sunset @Bagan Ajam
to ang, with love: asteroid B 612, asteroid Bokeh 612 that is
to ang, with love: 山峦飘渺碧云间 III/ layers of mountains in clouds III
to ang, with love: 山峦飘渺碧云间 II/ layers of mountains in clouds II
to ang, with love: 山峦飘渺碧云间 I/ layers of mountains in clouds I
to ang, with love: 久在樊笼里,复得返自然/ return to the nature
to ang, with love: ‘被爱给你力量,爱人给你勇气’ ~ 老子/ “being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage” ~ Laozi
to ang, with love: 各得其所/ to each his own
to ang, with love: 别有洞天/ a world of its own
to ang, with love: 老人。古屋/ elderly & old house
to ang, with love: 青菜。古屋/ veggie & old house