to ang, with love: a place we don't belong to/ 我们拥有的,只是片刻
to ang, with love: plum blossom/ 梅花/ Ume
to ang, with love: Morning at Segamat
to ang, with love: Loneliness is when you have you and your own reflection/ 寂寞是顾盼自怜
to ang, with love: Eye on Malaysia by Straits of Malacca
to ang, with love: As the sun sets
to ang, with love: Upon seeing lights/ 光,在晨雾弥漫之处
to ang, with love: Hope is not lost!/ 生命中不能承受之冀望
to ang, with love: KL on fire
to ang, with love: High and low
to ang, with love: Life in the cave/ 洞的生命
to ang, with love: Morning clouds
to ang, with love: Mont Kiara from Bukit Tunku
to ang, with love: Playing field under the sky
to ang, with love: Perth - evening shot by d river4
to ang, with love: the last virgin land of Penang/ 槟城的最后一片净土
to ang, with love: out to the sea/ 出航
to ang, with love: migrants/ 外来移民
to ang, with love: bokehglitter/波光粼影
to ang, with love: leave sorrow and sadness to mother earth/ 把悲伤留给大地
to ang, with love: old lady by the wall of Keraton
to ang, with love: more room to think about life
to ang, with love: on the bridge
to ang, with love: Jetty to nowhere/ 无涯码头