claude05: wrapped heroes
claude05: cheering at the silver medal in the 4x5-kilometer relay
claude05: "Mann der Arbeit, aufgewacht"
claude05: Beauty and the Beast I
claude05: undaunted fellow citizen
claude05: let the swallows come to me ...
claude05: who is behind it?
claude05: an intent look: Black Forest Indian" ...
claude05: Mehdorn's* Rocinante**
claude05: m.m. immortal?
claude05: timeless warder
claude05: Rhodos: the lion
claude05: Aphrodite bathing/squatting
claude05: backyard-classic
claude05: no head, no mask
claude05: the ravages of time
claude05: one can bring us "the blue from the sky" ...
claude05: fabulous Romanic imagery
claude05: friendly forest fairies I
claude05: friendly forest fairies II
claude05: mossy mourning
claude05: the soft moss bed