North Again: IMG_2880 Coal Creek in flood
North Again: IMG_2881 Coal Creek
North Again: IMG_2882 Coal Creek
North Again: IMG_2883 Overflow from Coal Creek heads down Centaur Village Drive
North Again: IMG_2640 Loggerhead Kingbird
North Again: IMG_2671 Joe finally gets to smoke a Cuban cigar at the airport in Holguin.
North Again: IMG_2670 In our hotel in Holguin. "Forbidden the loving manifestations in the Pool"
North Again: IMG_2669 In Holguin
North Again: IMG_2668
North Again: IMG_2667
North Again: IMG_2665 Road (and water color) improved as we got nearer Holguin.
North Again: IMG_2663 Vegetation killed by nickel mine operations
North Again: IMG_2661 Headquarters of the nickel mine, which is a joint venture of Cuba and Canada
North Again: IMG_2652 Two different water colors where run-off from the rain and from the nickel mine doesn't mix with the blue Atlantic weather.
North Again: IMG_2651 Fence of sharpened sticks
North Again: IMG_2649 Lizard peeking out.
North Again: IMG_2646 "This bay is my home. Take care of it for me."
North Again: IMG_2644 Mangrove trees
North Again: IMG_2643 Polymita snail shell inhabited by hermit crab.
North Again: IMG_2636 Beautiful Polymita snails are an endangered species and it is illegal to buy anything made with their shells.
North Again: IMG_2635 Prettiest setting for an outhouse I ever saw!
North Again: IMG_2634 At Alejandro de Humboldt National Park
North Again: IMG_2633 More pigs
North Again: IMG_2632 River flooded with runoff from heavy rain the night before.
North Again: IMG_2631 Mother pig and babies.
North Again: IMG_2627
North Again: IMG_2626 The road from Baracoa to Holguin is so full of huge potholes that we had to drive at walking speed for miles.
North Again: IMG_2624
North Again: IMG_2623 Eroded limestone cliffs along the road.
North Again: IMG_2606 Looking up at the restaurant from street level.