d-cubed: Frosty roof tiles
motocchio: the past and the present cross
JeremyRambles: Stair to Where
Andrew Hounslea: Imperial War Museum - Roof - Looking Up
tobiwahn: München
egbphoto: Colorful
LoisInWonderland: London Stencil Art
DislOck: berlin
me*voilà: just that
Scorpocat: crossed lines
Gremxul: The Human Crane
tany_kely: Hôpital aux abonnés absents
City Eyes: Way Out
City Eyes: The Hangout
{ tcb }: electromagnetic arc
Beppe Scaparra: GEOMETRIC
Carl Carl: Snowy Shingles
tapatim: rotation
rosa71uk: Slinky Spring
m rizal: square
m rizal: silver
Bengt58: Änder och en spegling
MarkyD31: Glencoe
my.third.eye: Independent