~Kelly M Johnson~: My beautiful boy, Cooper.... first trip to the beach & he's in love ❤️
~Kelly M Johnson~: Wash it all away...
~Kelly M Johnson~: Me & the sea.
~Kelly M Johnson~: It doesn't get much better than waking from a nap and feeling the warmth of the afternoon sun shining on your skin ☀️
~Kelly M Johnson~: It never rains forever.
~Kelly M Johnson~: Life Under the Bridge
~Kelly M Johnson~: Does anyone know what flower/plant this is??
~Kelly M Johnson~: My Love Bugs <3
~Kelly M Johnson~: Dr. Bombay's Underwater Tea Party
~Kelly M Johnson~: The Bluest Spot in the Sierras
~Kelly M Johnson~: Rainy Atlanta
~Kelly M Johnson~: Bon appétit!
~Kelly M Johnson~: My Silly Boy
~Kelly M Johnson~: The Empress
~Kelly M Johnson~: "She that goes barefoot must not plant thorns"
~Kelly M Johnson~: The Last Frontier
~Kelly M Johnson~: Atlanta's SkyView Opening Day
~Kelly M Johnson~: White Pass & Yukon Route
~Kelly M Johnson~: Sunlit Pages
~Kelly M Johnson~: Rain... Rain... Rain...