Jenny Penny JFo: run lambs run!
Jenny Penny JFo: full control
Jenny Penny JFo: you just might be a farmer one day!
Jenny Penny JFo: our pet lambs
Jenny Penny JFo: feeding the lambs
Jenny Penny JFo: watch out!
Jenny Penny JFo: before we left at YVR
Jenny Penny JFo: not sure who's scared more?
Jenny Penny JFo: Starbucks VIA to the rescue when the power went out!
Jenny Penny JFo: yep Dennis, you heard right - I'm in charge now!
Jenny Penny JFo: got milk?
Jenny Penny JFo: the sunsets...ahhhh!
Jenny Penny JFo: the logging begins
Jenny Penny JFo: logging at woodstock
Jenny Penny JFo: favourite view from the house
Jenny Penny JFo: waimangu thermal area
Jenny Penny JFo: undecided weather
Jenny Penny JFo: waimangu thermal area
Jenny Penny JFo: waimangu thermal area
Jenny Penny JFo: waimangu thermal area
Jenny Penny JFo: where's waldo?
Jenny Penny JFo: another shot of the view
Jenny Penny JFo: umm hello
Jenny Penny JFo: green lake
Jenny Penny JFo: yes you could be here!
Jenny Penny JFo: the stratford's :)
Jenny Penny JFo: richard mills - weirdest sausages EVER!!
Jenny Penny JFo: dad & i strolling in the ferns
Jenny Penny JFo: doesn't look a day over 30 does he?
Jenny Penny JFo: and back up we go