Brick Brickolson: Vakama the Horde Berserker
dzambito42: Forgotten Temple
dviddy: Skull Kraata: The Lord of Spiders
jayfa_mocs: Hector
shooby4000: The Celestine Guard - Faithspectre and Legionblade
adde51: Instructions - The rebel speeder
Brick Burger: Reptilian Squad seeking for prey
1dontget1t: Island Hopper Redux 01
ben_pitchford: LEGO WIP
avilabrick: Retro Bowling Alley
F@bz: SBK speederbike (01)
BobDeQuatre: Ligthing mechanism
totallyawesome_me: Awesome-Verse Doc. Ock
IGU.: BIONICLE MOC: Skull Blazer
IGU.: Herofactory MOC: Ernest Ember
Tekka Croe: Ice Planet Babe
Tekka Croe: Ice Planet 2002
dviddy: The Esteemed Eric: Physician for the People
Eero Okkonen: The Champion of the Plains
Legopard: Black Flag
Hammerstein NWC: BoneJacks aka "The Great White Hunters"
Shamisenfred: "HELIOS E-12" solar sail
Eggy Pop: curved wall
IamKritch: Besh-Wing Fighter 01
Dödke: Who are you? I'm you, but Enord!
LegoGuyTom: Jeep Cherokee (lifted) (rear view)
[Athanasios Lazarou]: MET-Tr [Military Transport Truck - Tracked]
-soccerkid6: New Featured Tutorial!