juliamanley1: Dinner
juliamanley1: Archaeology
mythicalireland: Drombeg Stone Circle, Co. Cork
mythicalireland: Equinox stone detail
mythicalireland: Full moon setting at Newgrange
mythicalireland: From Newgrange with love
mythicalireland: Newgrange and Knowth in the fog
mythicalireland: Dominican Church, Drogheda, Co Louth
mythicalireland: Lughnasadh sunset, Cairn S, Loughcrew
mythicalireland: Lughnasadh sunset at Cairn S, Loughcrew
mythicalireland: Cairn V Loughcrew and moon
mythicalireland: Rainbow at Cairn T, Loughcrew
juliamanley1: italian rose
juliamanley1: mountainview
mythicalireland: Boyne Viaduct at night
mythicalireland: Cup holes and rings at Cairn T
Bommer60: Ballinclamper
Aaron Glenn Campbell: Pigeon Run, 2016.10.30
mshel.like: East London Eid
madmark23: Callinish Stone Circle
Mr. Arthur S. Rowan: Hangastenmäki
mshel.like: Mucha & Rae
festerchinley: Kith Crannog, Cambridge festival
Allen Sparks: First of year butterfly...Black Swallowtail
Allen Sparks: Prothonotary Warbler, male