Mok.: (colloquial) sabra cactus, sabra fruit (plural)
bender_990: Ho tanto sonno
Joe Rollerfan: IMG27547b
kness: Tiny toad on my finger
Laura A. McElroy: Paper Maker
Laura A. McElroy: Seeing Double
4dogtraining: Addy 2007
chelseafb: WK interact
chelseafb: window
omoo: hy gardner's offbeat guide to new york
chelseafb: bad doggie!
omoo: the people with dogs
scubapup: arachdogphobia
MNJSports: Look At Me!
tim-johnson: Red Doberman Puppy Dog - 12 weeks old
shaina - Dany: La ,lala ,la la la la.........
Doggies Are From Heaven: ORCHIDS IN SUNLIGHT
boopsie.daisy: Book Worm
diva marie: Let's Go Eat
gfcookiegirl: Gluten Free Autumn Spice Cookies
sas*: my two year old...
pyza*: Post-surgery update: BU is OK!!! :)
Laura A. McElroy: The Beautiful Face of Cookie
Tyler.Meyer: My Christmas Present