pipertakespictures: New Orleans - t64
Austin Beeman: Just a Wall in Venice, Italy / 52 Rolls - Week 36 - #6
Steve the HongKonger: 被割開的天空
harao_: Sublimation
Nicola Abraham: Milford Sound
Juha Forsberg: 20130702_1515
yago1 | Photography: BW Urban Patterns
Anna Buxó: New York
Daniel D F Carvalho: Bluing into the blue
GrizzlysGhost: Into The Unknown (Explored)
bostankorkulugu: leaving the past behind
m.r. nelson: gaf 196083
m.r. nelson: gaf 196103
Maciek Lulko: Orange
O L A N D: T H E _ W A L L _ I
GRIDSPACE: Mosqué Hassan II
GRIDSPACE: Mosqué Hassan II
Pierre DANZAS: La Tour Eiffel
EyeoftheImage: Red Window!
ElenaK@Chicago: Architectural detail