jcfilizola: Que decepção hein Fuchs ????
ClintMalpaso: MiguelAngel
Sergey Yeliseev: Red Squirrel
Sergey Yeliseev: Red Squirrel
Sergey Yeliseev: Red Squirrel
Sergey Yeliseev: European Hare
pepesaura [old skool pride]: Chaouen,cerca de Bab el-Ansar
jcfilizola: Reflexos do Pan
Charlton Heston: Salamanca
State Library of NSW: Cary Bay Zoo, Lake Macquarie, NSW, 1954 / Sam Hood
State Library of NSW: Cats' food didn't come out of a can and it was nothing but the best fish - Pt Perpendicular, c 1936 / by Mrs Tulk
State Library of NSW: Margaret Shaffhauser with bull terrier dog at the Canine Association Show, 3 Nov 1934 / by Ted Hood
State Library of NSW: Study of a small girl with a prize Scottish terrier dog, c. 1935 / by Sam Hood
miraryver: atlántico norte
sjaces: luna lunera
jcfilizola: No banco....
jcfilizola: Maranhão
jcfilizola: Aprendiz de Folia
jcfilizola: avó com neto
RJIPhotography: Outer Banks Storm
Szmytke: Hellcat
paulbence: Tommy Reilly, Borderline.
paulbence: Family Kiss
Elena_Giner: once upon a time.........
ClintMalpaso: Pelillos
slight clutter: Wednesday Night in Palm Springs