jemale: Leaning in the bow
jemale: Family collaboration before dinner
B_Zedan: Chase drinks water good.
jemale: She's got this
jemale: Fountain Day
jemale: Taran prepping strawberries
B_Zedan: Figured out what to wear to the SPJ Awards banquet.
jemale: That ice cream cone didn't stand a chance
jemale: But willing to share with Poppa
ocean yamaha: 20130428-StumptownComicsFest2013-IMG_4730
ocean yamaha: 20130427-StumptownComicsFestival2013-IMG_4517
BuckarooBob: Portlandia goes Cruisin'
jemale: Shelved
jemale: A robot family and their robot cat
jemale: Robot friends
ktastical: The Certificate
jemale: My Sweeties
verabee: Are we all going to go back to using Flickr now? I kinda hope so.
jemale: No Pictures!
jemale: Shake it!
jemale: Deceptively demure
jemale: Absorbed in Tintin
jemale: Assembling the audience
jemale: Beware!
jemale: Big Feets
jemale: Taran's Tree
jemale: BatManGirl Pirate Dancer
jemale: Chocolate Van Dyke
ocean yamaha: 20120506IMG_1989-Late afternoon tiltshifts