Vuffy VonHoof: lonely lisa
Tiny Shirt: Stigmata
YiShu Wang Art: Auction is just started! Check our Facebook page : BadAppleArtistCollective to join our event this month"Arabian Night"πŸ˜‰ bidding is now on!!!! Just comment on the photo that you would like to bid in our "February auction Arabian Night" album.❀️
ShumkoV: Island
ShumkoV: ***
akemix: IMG_5619
Kitchen-kiki: kavka a kafka
YiShu Wang Art: Finished all four coasters~ πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ there were lots of tiny details, I improved my skills of sharper the pencils ✏️πŸ”ͺ#coastershow #laluzdejesus #drawing #colorpencil #art #popsurrealism
akemix: IMG_3606
Tony Van Den Boomen: Listen Hear the Quiet
d i a n e p o w e r s: False Flowers
Tora Dei: I belong nowhere, 2013.
John Flichty: #106 - Gnats Sucker - All Thing I'll Never Say 7"
d i a n e p o w e r s: let stricken clay cry and un-walked halls die
d i a n e p o w e r s: cider and petals
sidewaysglances: Mouth II
Tora Dei: LOVE IS...
Yannis Angel: the sun never sets II
Tony Van Den Boomen: Oil, Water and Plastic Money
Pinkyβ™₯Doodles: Here, beneath my lungs
akemix: image