iansand: Waves
alphajuliet: Two bridges
jessjamesjo: Lunar New Year 2017
iansand: Bugger off. Find your own sucker to provide free food.
Lionel G King: The Waterman's Cottage, Balmain East
mrjohnclarke: Brown thornbill
mrjohnclarke: Spotted pardalote
mrjohnclarke: Rainbow lorikeet eating leucopogan seeds
mrjohnclarke: Eastern spinebill
iansand: Sculpture By the Sea
iansand: Sculpture By the Sea
mrjohnclarke: Red knot, Curlew sandpiper and Red-necked stint
mrjohnclarke: End of day
mrjohnclarke: Kookaburras
mrjohnclarke: Blue wren
mrjohnclarke: Spotted pardalote
Lionel G King: Barges at Bruges
alissa duke: 27Jul2016 Manchester Town Hall cafe
iansand: Cockatoo & Rainbow Lorikeet
Lionel G King: Vignettes in Brussels
mrjohnclarke: Grey shrike-thrush
mrjohnclarke: Winter afternoon
Lionel G King: State Capitol, Austin Texas
iansand: Vivid 2016
iansand: Homebush Bay
Lionel G King: Christ Church, Pennsylvania
mrjohnclarke: Banded stilt
Lionel G King: Melbourne Back Lane
Gary P Hayes: Matchstalk Dogs Horseshoe Beach Newcastle