Ben Cossy: Keetongu
MuttonchopMac: Hotar, daring Toa of Ice
djokson: feral jester
Sparks ️: Shantae
djokson: cyan hardcore
Cody Avery Builds: CIRCUIT//CORE.MECH
theunderscoreddouble1: Phantoka Combiner: Warrior Makuta
Bruh_i0nicles: Electric snake
Ballom Nom Nom: Protodrakus Farangai
Bruh_i0nicles: Megatron
Bruh_i0nicles: Starscream
BobTheDoctor27: Pohatu Phantoka: Brain Attack
djokson: brainworm
Brandon.Builds: MAKUTA: Definitive Edition
Sparks ️: Aurelius
jayfa_mocs: Draconis Cervus
talegophotography: Bionicle Onua Revamp
talegophotography: Bionicle Kopaka Revamp
Eero Okkonen: Woolly Mammoth
Fuzz-E: Obsidian Sentinel
Rogue Bantha: The Guard
Eero Okkonen: Théoden and Snowmane
jayfa_mocs: Draconis Scyphozoa
MinotaurSauce: Vahi, Protector of Time
MinotaurSauce: Vahi, Protector of Time