tangobaby: IMG_2156
tangobaby: "Two ways you might look at fire: a force to be feared or reckoned with or something with the capability to shape, strengthen, and forge. To me, San Francisco has been both."
tangobaby: "No matter what direction it is that you want to go once you live in The City there are plenty of others who agree and take you in as one of their own."
tangobaby: "But then came the spirit of The City, in the form of an expansive support network on whose shoulders I’ve arrived here today."
tangobaby: IMG_2042
tangobaby: IMG_2020
tangobaby: IMG_2007
tangobaby: Scott
tangobaby: "Most alluring for me was the dichotomy that, from the outside, you have this visually magnificent city that may seem a little docile until you start to scratch the surface."