slamto: DSC_6099 - DSC_6143
Mike Licht, A Pompeian Beauty, Blogging, after Raffaele Giannetti
Hoser Dude: Cookie!
Argonne National Laboratory: AVIDAC -- First Argonne Computer (1953)
David Hilowitz: electronic led light dress at the museum of science and industry in chicago
andrewrjw: William Gibson in a Tate Modern Exhibition
Rachel-B: Wishes
Rachel-B: shade
Rachel-B: Hand Grenades!
Rachel-B: Carol's grenade impression
Rachel-B: Cris' grenade impression
Rachel-B: Scott's grenade impression
Rachel-B: Anne and Kendra's grenade impressions
Rachel-B: Kim's grenade impression
Rachel-B: grenade cheers!
Rachel-B: NOM!
Rachel-B: Anne and Care
Rachel-B: Kendra and Anne
Rachel-B: Scott says, "Who, me?" :P
Rachel-B: Anne and Care
Rachel-B: No clue here :)
Rachel-B: Scott wins at Hurricanes, again
Rachel-B: Scott and Cris
Rachel-B: Kim licks Cris
Rachel-B: Laughing Girls!
Rachel-B: Elevator Pic Attempt #1
Rachel-B: Elevator Pic Attempt #3
Rachel-B: Care & Me
Rachel-B: Care makes unexplainable sad face :)
Rachel-B: Take Me To Your Leader!