Killfile: Message in a bottle
Killfile: Ballpit
Killfile: Spring Portrait
Killfile: Pyrotechnics
Killfile: Sassy Bettie
Killfile: Ducklings at the VT Duck Pond.
Killfile: Little Red Caboose (chug chug chug)
Killfile: Hard at play
Killfile: Playing in the sprinkler
Killfile: Campfire at Friends Weekend
Killfile: Oh, now you sleep....
Killfile: Ladder at Nana's
Killfile: The view from the top of the hill on the drive in to Blacksburg on Friday morning. The fog blanketed the whole valley.
Killfile: Marie loves to climb on the rails at Gardners
Killfile: Bettie on the carousel
Killfile: At the fair
Killfile: Picnic at the Duck
Killfile: Sleeping like... well.... a baby, I guess
Killfile: Warning label in the maternity ward. I feel like this might be insinuating something
Killfile: upload
Killfile: Seriously the only way I am making it through today.
Killfile: Green umbrella
Killfile: Hanging on the rail. Bettie did a "pop up" shortly after this which scared the bejeebers out of me. We had a talk.
Killfile: Morning light
Killfile: The girls and their crazy hair (and yes, I am back on Instagram; Special Love wants me to set up an account for them)
Killfile: Feisty
Killfile: Garden Path
Killfile: Kiss
Killfile: Story Time
Killfile: Cake